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Public Holiday in Rawalpindi on 7 Sep 2023

Holiday in Rawalpindi: All Schools, Colleges and Universities will be closed on 7th September 2023

All educational institutions within the municipal limits of Tehsil Rawalpindi, excluding the cantonment areas, shall close on Thursday, 7th September 2023 as a result of an official announcement by the Office of the Deputy Commissioner Rawalpindi. The decision was made in light of the upcoming Chehlum Procession.

Holiday in Rawalpindi: Why the closure?

Deputy Commissioner Rawalpindi issued the notification citing the need to maintain security and order during the religious procession. Both government and private universities, colleges, and schools are affected by this closure.

A request has been made to the Director of Information for the dissemination of this information to a wide audience through electronic and print media for the Office of the Deputy Commissioner. Similar notices have been sent to Rawalpindi’s Private Schools Association.

Ensuring Safety during the Chehlum Procession

In order to ensure the safety and security of students and faculty during the Chehlum Procession, this precautionary measure is being taken. The following day, 8th September 2023, is expected to be the first day of normal educational activities.

Due to the Chehlum Procession, Rawalpindi’s educational institutions will remain closed on 7th September 2023.

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