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Special Court Orders Jail Superintendent to Allow Imran Khan Contact with His Sons

Special Court Orders Jail Superintendent to Allow Imran Khan Contact with His Sons

A new special court ruling has permitted PTI Chairman Imran Khan, to communicate with his sons via phone call. This development follows Imran Khan’s legal journey, which included a conviction, sentence, sentence suspension, and judicial remand.

After a lengthy legal battle, Imran Khan sentenced to three years in prison in the Toshakhana case on August 5. He then sent to Attock prison.

However, his sentence later postponed by the Islamabad High Court (IHC). Imran Khan, meanwhile, remained in custody due to his judicial remand in the cipher case.

On August 30, the special court ordered the superintendent of the Attock district jail to enable a phone connection between Imran Khan and his sons. When the jail staff refused to carry out the order, Imran’s legal team filed a contempt of court petition against the superintendent.

Adiala jail in Rawalpindi approved for Imran Khan’s transfer request last month by the IHC.

Despite the transfer, he remained on judicial remand, awaiting his indictment in the cipher case on October 23, along with former Foreign Minister Shah Mahmood Qureshi.

In recent session, allowing Imran Khan to contact his sons was ordered by Special Court Judge Abual Hasnat Zulqarnain. Sheraz Ahmed Ranjha, Imran Khan’s legal lawyer, presented the case.

Although the SOPs do not expressly authorize such contact, the judge stated that the family’s well-being must be considered.

As a result, the jail superintendent directed to enable Imran Khan to telephone his “family members (real sons).”

Throughout the hearing, security and protocol were critical issues.

Imran Khan granted a bicycle for exercise while being careful not to overuse such privileges.

While the lawyer volunteered to provide a cycle, the judge questioned Imran Khan’s duty for carrying meals from home, emphasizing the importance of security for an under-trial prisoner.

Aleema Khan, Imran Khan’s sister, who was present at the hearing, stressed her brother’s basic request: a bicycle.

She requested that a bicycle brought from his house to Imran in jail. Recognizing the family’s concerns, the judge granted this request.

The decision of the special court judge to enable Imran Khan to interact with his sons and to equip him with a bike illustrates the court’s dedication to a fair and balanced legal process.

The case represents not just legal proceedings, but also humanistic considerations for the accused and his family.

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