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Senate Report on Blasphemy cases : 179 Detained,17 Sentenced

Senate Committee: 179 Detained,17 Sentenced in Blasphemy Cases

According to a recent Senate Standing Committee on Human Rights report, Pakistan has 179 people in detention on blasphemy cases.

Furthermore, the panel revealed that 17 people had already faced prison time in connection with similar crimes.

The National Human Rights Commission of Pakistan (NHRC) conveyed these revelations to the Senate committee.

Following the Jaranwala incident, in which a violent mob demolished multiple houses and churches on blasphemy allegations, they launched this investigation.

In reaction to this occurrence, Senator Walid Iqbal, Chairman of the Senate Standing Committee on Human Rights, had already requested details about blasphemy cases from the NHRC during a meeting.

Senator Iqbal stressed the significance of disclosing information concerning situations in which blasphemy laws used against both Muslims and non-Muslims.

In response to the committee’s request, the NHRC presented a report indicating that 179 people across the country are currently detained on blasphemy allegations.

Statistics shows that 17 people from Islamabad, 18 in Punjab, 78 in Sindh, 55 in Khyber Pakhtunkhwa, and one in Balochistan, detained in Blasphemy cases.

Furthermore, the report states that 17 people convicted so far. There were 11 convictions in Islamabad, four in Sindh, and two in Balochistan.

Surprisingly, no convictions had reported in Punjab or Khyber Pakhtunkhwa.

Senator Iqbal expressed the committee’s worry over the use of blasphemy legislation to “settle personal scores.”

He stated that the committee is eagerly investigating ways to prevent such misappropriation and plans to welcome Senator Sherry Rehman to explore potential solutions.

He further stated that blasphemy legislation originally put forward by Senator Rehman had to be to consider as part of this attempt.

This disclosure offers insight on the difficult and delicate issue of blasphemy charges in Pakistan, emphasizing the need for careful assessment and potential reforms to preserve individuals’ rights while protecting religious beliefs’ respect.

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